Our Priorities

Protect Reproductive Freedom

Decisions about reproductive healthcare should be made by a woman and her doctor. Government should not interfere with access to safe, legal abortion and contraception. We support codifying NH’s laws to protect the right to abortion services.

Prioritize Affordable Housing

New Hampshire has an affordable housing crisis. Our young families cannot afford to live and raise their families here. This is a factor in NH’s workforce shortage. We need affordable housing projects and the infrastructure to support them.

Support Economic Growth in NH

New Hampshire has a low unemployment rate and a strong labor market. However, worker shortages limit NH businesses’ ability to hire enough employees. Many NH families still struggle to make ends meet. We support hard-working union members and their families and investing in our infrastructure that will provide high paying jobs to boost our economy.

Strengthen Childcare in NH

Childcare is one of the most expensive costs for young families in NH. Access to good quality, affordable childcare is also a challenge. We need to do more to help retain NH’s young families so they can raise their families in our state.

Protect Public Education

New Hampshire students have a right to a good quality public education. Taxpayer money should go to public schools and not to private and parochial schools. The newly enacted voucher program is draining our Education Trust Fund and will raise our property taxes even more.

Enact a Climate Action Plan for NH and Renewable Energy

Climate change due to our excessive use of fossil fuels will continue to harm our state. We need to join our New England neighbors in demanding a shift to renewable energy sources such as offshore wind and solar that will save our climate, grow thousands of good paying jobs. and provide a stable environment for our nature-based economy.

Stop Downshifting

Stop the downshifting of state costs to taxpayers & local communities, resulting in higher property taxes.